Tech Tips - or,

Tech Tips - or, "Help! Things have gone wonky on me!"

(If you were looking for "Zoom Tips", click here: Zoom Tips)

#1 - If People Can't Un-Mute Themselves

A recent glitch in Zoom has been blocking people from Muting and Un-Muting themselves.  So here's how to fix it...

First, you must be the Host/Co-Host of the meeting.  If you're the first one in the meeting, you're automatically the host.  But if someone else came in first, or if an actual Host/Co-Host shows up, you won't be.

If you're the Host/Co-Host, you'll see a "Security" icon at the bottom of the screen.  Click it.  Then on the menu, click beside "Unmute Themselves". 

(They've "cutely" made each check a continuation of the header sentence, so basically it reads, "Allow participants to unmute themselves".  It's confusing to many, so don't feel alone in that!)

Here's a nice little graphic to clarify.  Just follow the numbers:

Zoom ticket closed 06/01/2022 - Known issue, now fixed

Zoom ticket closed 06/01/2022 - Known issue, now fixed