Stepping Into Virtual Sobriety
Chat Text Extract

Notes Regarding Extract:

The following is an extract from the chat text of the 01/09/2021"Stepping Into Virtual Recovery" workshop held 01/09/2021, 10:00 - 11:30 am.

Personal comments, greetings, and anything unclear have been removed.

Everything in [square brackets] was added by me.

Information about other meetings is in bold.

Email addresses, G-Drive links, and Phone Numbers have all been removed to prevent abuse (this page is public).  In these cases, the removal has been noted in red brackets.

If you need the removed info, you can use the site Feedback form on the Home page to request it.  Please provide the time-stamp at the beginning of the entry in question so we can find it easily.

Alternately, you may request the entire log file, in its original form to peruse - at your own risk!  😲

Links which are bad or incorrect have been left in, but noted as bad/incorrect.  (Feel free to let me know how they should be corrected).

Links which actually work have been converted to clickable links (blue and underlined) so you can click them directly from this page.

This extraction & editing was performed by Dayton L on 01/09/2021.  If you need corrections made, please send them using the Feedback form on the Home page.

If you just want to whine and belly-ache about my editing, feel free to do that too, and I'll be happy to include it as commentary for all to enjoy. 😀

Chat Extract:

10:25:13 From Chairperson-Janelle de Buzna to Everyone : OIAA

10:25:32 From Chairperson-Janelle de Buzna to Everyone : pdf versions of literature

10:28:47 From Panel Moderator -Ashley D. to Everyone : WWW.AAGRAPEVINE.ORG

10:40:12 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : For context, Area 72 (western Washington) currently has an ad hoc committee on a virtual district

From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : Also, my virtual homegroup hosted an online area open forum, and we have an audio recording of that forum

10:42:26 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : [G-Drive Link removed]

10:44:49 From Michelle Gordon to Everyone : [Wrong URL]

10:45:38 From Chairperson-Janelle de Buzna to Everyone : [Email removed]

10:46:01 From Chairperson-Janelle de Buzna to Everyone : [Bad URL]

10:47:09 From #Speaker-Jeff W. GSO staff to Everyone : You can reach Jeff at [Email removed]

10:49:00 From Cynthia to Everyone : [Email removed]

10:49:19 From Panel Moderator -Ashley D. to Everyone : Feel fret post your open meetings in the chat

10:50:11 From Dayton (Phx) to Everyone : Closed meetings can use the Waiting Room in Zoom.

10:51:48 From Jeff H. GSR MID CITY to Everyone : Mid City Group has NEVER closed via group conscience. Feel free to attend...

10:52:32 From Angela P. (Mesa, AZ) to Everyone : Monday Night Big Book Step Study Meeting in Paradise Valley, AZ.  7pm Mondays MST (Arizona) There are two ways to join the meeting: ONLINE: Zoom ID 558 010 8568, Password 078035 BY PHONE 1-669-900-6833, ID: 558 010 8568#

10:53:13 From #Speaker-Jeff W. GSO staff to Everyone : For information about that service meeting hosted by Area 19 email [Email removed]

10:53:52 From Dayton (Phx) to Everyone : Sunrise Serenity:

10:54:11 From Aileen H to Everyone : Unaccountably Transformed - Phoenix, AZ Thursdays at 7pm MST Zoom ID 805 356 3249 Password 259806

10:55:32 From Melíssa C. to Everyone : Friday Morning Women’s BB Study in Memory of Ruth W. [No info]

10:55:49 From RobinRae to Everyone : Go For It 7am MST Zoom ID 88958818167 PW sobriety

From Karen Parise to Everyone : Friday morning Big Book Step Study (women) [10:30-11:45 am] Meeting ID 865-9529-5354. PW sobriety

From #Speaker Jessica D to Everyone : The Real Thing. AA Women's meeting. Hybrid in person at the Pigeon Coupe 7pm Monday night or online. Meeting ID: 89372837673 password: 164164

[Question regarding "Ticket" meetings and ways to randomly pick the next persont to share]

11:11:42 From Jeff Spikes to Everyone :

11:11:49 From Paul Thomas Area 3 PI Coordinator to Everyone : "Random Generator" it shows a pair of dice. Can get it from the App store

11:11:52 From Brian Stolfa-MNBBSS to Everyone : random sequence generator @

11:11:52 From Melíssa C. to Everyone :

11:12:59 From Chairperson-Janelle de Buzna to Everyone :

11:13:15 From Victoria G to Everyone : The Friday AM Big Book Study, 1030 am, Phx., has babysitters and will do so again when we are face to face.

11:25:53 From Panel Moderator -Ashley D. to Everyone : [Email removed]

11:27:29 From #Speaker Jessica D to Everyone : I can be reached at [Email removed] for additional questions.

11:28:14 From Christina, San Diego GSR-D1 to Everyone : GSO guidelines on the traditions and the internet:

11:29:40 From #Speaker Bobby H to Everyone : I can be reached at [Email removed] for additional questions.

11:29:42 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : [G-Drive Link removed]

11:29:50 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : ^^ this is our virtual meeting resources folder

11:30:05 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : [G-Drive Link removed]

11:30:13 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : ^^ this is the recording of the area 95 folder

11:31:43 From Paul Thomas Area 3 PI Coordinator to Everyone : One person is chosen as the randomizer and they use an App on their phone. When people come on-line the co-chair adds a number to their name. During sharing, the Randomizer gets a number and shows it on the screen

11:34:27 From #speaker Coree H | San Jose, CA | Lopsided Triangle Group to Everyone : [Email removed] is my email address, thank you all for having me!

11:37:53 From Panel Moderator -Ashley D. to Everyone : Thank you all for your participation ! I need to scoot. Reach out to me [Phone Number removed] if you have any questions !!