Some Common AA Acronyms:
This is not a comprehensive list.  If you have one you want added, let me know
- Dayton

AA - Attitude Adjustment

ABC - Accept, Begin, & Continue

ACTION - A Change To Improve Our Nature

ASK - Ass-Saving Kit

BIGBOOK - Believing In God Beats Our Old Knowledge

CRAP - Carrying Resentments About People

DENIAL - Don't Even Know I Am Lying

DENIAL - Don't Even Notice I Am Lying

DETACH - Don't Even Think About Changing Him/Her

EGO - Edging God Out

END - Effort Never Dies

FAIL - First Attempt In Learning

FAITH - Follow Along In The Healing

FEAR - Face Everything And Recover

FEAR - Failure Expected - And Received

FEAR - Forget Everything And Run

FEAR - Face Everything And Rise

FEAR - False Events/Emotions Appearing Real

FEAR - F'ck Everything And Run

FINE - F'ck'd-Up, Insecure, Neurotic, & Egotistical

FINE - Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic, & Emotional

GOD - Good Orderly Direction

GPS - God Positioning System

HALT - (Don't get too...) Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired

HOPE - Happy Our Program Exists

HOPE - Humor, Optimism, Patience, & Effort

HOW - Honesty, Open-Mindedness, & Willingness
(Doing it backwards is: MOH - My Old Habits)

ISM - I See Myself / I Sponsor Myself / I, Self, & Me

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid/Sweetheart

NO - Next Opportunity

NUTS - Not Using The Steps

ODAAT - One Day At A Time

PROGRAM - People Relying On God, Relaying A Message

QTIP - Quit Taking It Personally

RELATIONSHIP - Really Exciting Love Affair, Turns Into Outrageous Nightmare - Sobriety Hangs In Peril!

SICK - Spiritually Ill Can Kill / Spiritual Illness, Can Kill-us!

SLIP - Sobriety Lost It's Priority

SOBER - Step One Before Early Recovery

SPONSOR - Sober Person Offering Newcomers Suggestions On Recovery

STEPS - Solutions To Every Problem Sober

TEAM - Together Each Achieves More

THINK - (Is it...) Thoughtful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary, & Kind?

TIME - Things I Must Earn

WAIT - Why Am I Talking?

WAIST - Why Am I Still Talking?

YET - You're Eligible Too