Sunrise Serenity Zoom Format

Modified 03/30/2023 - Dayton


Per group conscious, please wait until 6:30 before asking for volunteers to read when the time comes:

    • How It Works (page 58)
    • More About Alcoholism (page 30) -or- The Twelve Traditions

    - at meeting's end -
    • The Promises (page 83) -or- A Vision For You (page 164) 
    • The Lord’s Prayer [to close the meeting]


This modified format is designed to better facilitate meetings in the online environment. The meeting info, format, readings, and 7th Tradition address are all available online at:

The Zoom Hosts are Bill C, and Dayton L. If someone becomes disruptive during the meeting, please notify one of them.

In keeping with online meeting Best Practices, please mute your microphone any time you do not have the floor to reduce background noises. Voice Telephone callers can mute and un-mute with Star-6.  Please un-mute yourself to read or share, then re-mute after.

There is always an audio delay, so please keep your mic muted if you wish to recite along with prayers.

Remember that if you have your camera on, we can see you. Please dress and act accordingly. If you wish to disable or cover your camera, we’ll understand.

In the interest of anonymity, Zoom audio/video recording is disabled.

By default, text chat goes to everyone. Please select the individual you wish to chat before typing. Please note that chat text can be captured.

--- [ If Skipping ONLINE INFO, Start Here ] ---

Before we start, are there any Non-AA announcements?  [Call to order/re-mute as needed afterwards.]

Welcome to the Sunrise Serenity Online Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. My name is _____, and I am an alcoholic.

Please keep your mic muted while we open the meeting with the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me

the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

AA Preamble: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.


_____, please un-mute and read HOW IT WORKS from Chapter 5 of the Big Book.
_____, please un-mute and read More About Alcoholism -or- The Traditions


Sunrise Serenity is a Home Group, where you can make a commitment to a group and to your sobriety. If you would like to join, please stay for the Home Group meeting, which takes place after the regular meeting at the Crossroads facility on the last Saturday of every month. We encourage you to join!

If you are new to AA, or to this meeting, we welcome you.

If you are celebrating your first 24 hours of recovery and would like to receive a 24-hour chip, please Chat one of the Hosts.

Is there anyone celebrating an AA anniversary, such as 24 hours, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 9 months, a year, or multiple years, who would like to let us know? [Call to order/re-mute as needed afterwards.]

To show the newcomer that it works would everyone with one year or more of continuous sobriety please raise your hand.

We encourage sponsorship. If you need a sponsor, please feel free to Chat someone.

Tradition 7 reminds us that we are self-supporting through our own contributions.  Thank you.

Are there any AA announcements? [Call to order/re-mute as needed afterwards.]

This is an open meeting and we ask that each person respect the anonymity of those here. Who you see here, what you hear here, let it stay here when you leave here... “Here, Here!

We will close the meeting promptly at 7:30. In this meeting we speak only about our own experiences and feelings. We avoid crosstalk. We do not give unsolicited advice. Please limit your sharing to a few minutes, so more people have an opportunity to share.

This is a tag meeting. When you finish, please call on someone before muting your mic.  [Ask if anyone needs to leave early, if so, they should start] / I will now pick someone to start... [Pick someone to start & optionally to pick a topic.  This need not be you!]


_____, please un-mute and lead us in the The Promises -or- A Vision For You while the rest of us follow along silently.
_____, please close the meeting with The Lord's Prayer while the rest of us follow along silently.